CTS News

16 08, 2023

Mise en Place: S03E09-Addendum Meeru Dhalwala

August 16th, 2023|CTS News, Mise en Place|

A day after we recorded our episode, Meeru and I decided that we needed to add an addition to our chat. Some strategic actual take aways for people to hear to better understand each other and the needs of Women in our industry. Listen to this one for the take aways, Listen to the longer ones for the deep dive and deeper understanding. Both are worth your time and in this business, understanding one another better is the real key to a successful business.

16 08, 2023

Mise en Place: S03E09-Meeru Dhalwala

August 16th, 2023|CTS News, Mise en Place|

One of our most interesting activations at COOKSCAMP 2023 is our panel on Women in Industry. After chatting with the moderator of this panel, Meeru Dhalwala, we both agreed that this is such an important conversation that we should start it on the podcast.

16 08, 2023

Mise en Place: S03E08-Margot Baloro

August 16th, 2023|CTS News, Mise en Place|

Leadership is at the successful core of any great business. They say some leaders are born, in my experience, great leaders are trained, mentored and continue learning. Margot Baloro is, a manager, a sommelier, a Les Dames Escoffier, a mentor and most importantly a leader.

27 06, 2023

Mise en Place: S03E02-Cody Allmin

June 27th, 2023|CTS News, Mise en Place|

Today’s conversation is with Cody Allmin, one half of the team that has brought us all Twin Sails Brewing, Published on Main, Bar Susu, Novella Coffee Bar, Mama Said and more. We chat about business, entrepreneurship, beer and much, much more

10 01, 2023

12 week Baking & Pastry Program supported by Community Workforce Response Grant

January 10th, 2023|CTS News, Media|

January 10, 2023 (Vancouver)  The Chefs' Table Society of BC is pleased to announce that we received funding from the Community Workforce Response Grant to support the training of 20 eligible individuals at the Pacific Institute of Culinary Arts for their 12 week Baking and Pastry Program starting this month.

These training spots will be offered Read More ...

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