Date:                Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Location:          Campagnolo, 1020 Main Street

Call to Order:    By: Scott Jaeger at 14h06

Roll Call:           By: Céline Turenne

Attendance:      Robert Belcham, Ryan Bissell, Jonathan Chovancek, Leeann Froese, Scott Jaeger Céline Turenne, Chris Whittaker

Approval of Board Meeting Minutes from October 28, 2014

1st: Scott Jaeger;  2nd: Robert Belcham



  1. Financial Report

-         January 1 starting point for financials;

-         Budget proposal  postponed to end of January for vote

-         All invoices and expenses are to be send to ED for processing, then cheque request will be made to Treasurer

-         Motion to vote on organizing  old books by Scott Jaeger, seconded by Robert Belcham and Ryan Bissell, approved by all.


  1. Membership Committee

 -         Membership committee meeting held in November:  a new automated membership system will be considered for implementation in first quarter 2015 to facilitate membership management.

-         Addition of automated renewal option with 30-day cancellation clause approved by all

-         Increased members benefits needed

-         E-blast to be sent to all students and lapsed members including best 3 pictures from events – Celine to coordinate

-         Member appreciations event – due for one in January

-         Vendors or supplier will be incorporated at $200.00 yearly and featured on web site; Vendors criteria for becoming approved; does your business align with CTS values

-         Salt spring coffee application – Celine to follow-up

-         Web site is static vs Facebook and twitter; #belong @walkin; create a private group on Facebook (to be managed by Kyle – Celine to change his rights)

-         Mission statement to be re-visited(Leeann to review and advise)

-         See Kyle for template for newsletter

-         All board members to add proud member of CTS; # and “like” on Facebook; add on bottom of menus and other material;

-         Stickers for CTS:  Robert B. to look into – already designed but modifications are needed to add social media


  1. Sustainability/Growers/Green Initiatives Committee

 No report


  1. Marketing & Branding

 Member events to be organized in 2015 – insurance needs to be finalized for events to happen


  1. Spot Prawn Festival

 -         Robert Clark will be on committee;

-         Ryan to have a meeting in January with Mike at wharf

-         Event marketing personnel and catering facilities from UBC to organize

-         Entertainment to be added

-         Line-up to be managed differently from last year

-         Food offered will be different

-         First committee meeting: January 19, 2015


  1. Curry Cup

 -         Update from 1st committee meeting: $65.00 + tax and fee (TBC)

-         Same format as last’s year with minor modifications:  beer only and no wine; non-alcoholic cocktail with hot chai tea in a go cup when guests leave;

-         Leeann to send out “Reserve Date” and “Tickets sale” press releases – if media and appearance, then must make sure tickets are available for sale at that time;

-         Media judge? Colleen Christie?

-         Discussion needed on who will receive the proceeds from  the event: Project Chef to receive 2k (Celine to contact Barb and remind about membership lapse)

-         Thank you to Katharine Manson for sender her detailed step by step for the event management!


  1. Fundraising/Scholarship Committee

 -         Hawksworth Scholarship: recap of meeting:  as per David Hawksworth comment, CTS can vote not to participate in year 3; a few points need to be clarified:

-         In principle we are founding sponsor – they approached us in the beginning and CTS should be linked in perpetuity which was the main reason for participating;

-         How HYCS will cooperate so CTS can get the money to help pay scholarship needs to be worked out;

-         Move forward with letter and next move to know what HYCS commitment is;

-         Board had agreed to continue relationship providing above-mentioned points are clarified.


  1. Miscellaneous

 -         Dish n’Dazzle participation: Celine to coordinate chefs’ participation with BCHF;  CTS would like 2 or 3 products to be selected (linked to featured wine) and prepared by all chefs.

-         Oceanwise presentation:  member appreciation event at Aquarium would be a good idea;  Celine to reply to Ann Marie Copping and loop in Robert Belcham.


  1. Executive Director report

 -         Time/Attendance/etc:  all members to provide a proxy is no co-chair;  at least chair or co-chair need to be present at meetings;

-         Membership Drive:  Celine to carry on with contacting lapsed members.

-         Motion to get small storage locker by Celine Turenne; seconded by Scott Jaeger and Ryan Bissell; approved by all.


Adjournment:  By: Scott Jaeger at 15h35

Next board meeting: Tuesday. January 27, 2015 at 14h00

Location:  Campagnolo, 1020 Main St.