Date:                 Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Location:       P.I.C.A.

                           1505, W 2nd Avenue

                           Vancouver BC

Call to Order:  By: Scott Jaeger

                               At:  15h02

Roll Call:          By:  Scott Jaeger

Attendance:    Robert Belcham, Ryan Bissel, Robert Clark, Scott Jaeger, Katharine Manson, , Kyle Nordman, Celine Turenne, Nessa van Bergen, Chris Whittaker, Neil Wyles

Approval of Board Meeting Minutes from November 26, 2013

1st:  N/A

2nd: N/A


1.  Financial Report

Neil commented that more revenues need to be generated.  Financial report not yet filed.

2.  Membership Committee

  • Chris and Kyle will meet in February to discuss plans for the new year.
  • Vintners Brunch, March 2, 2014:  CTS’ presence coordinated by Kyle; a table will be set-up with CTS banners (Jonathan has them)  - membership can be set-up on site.  Good potential for new members.
  • Successful visit of Art Institute of Vancouver by Robert Belcham.  More visits in the future as interest shown by the school to continue collaboration.
  • Students still get free 1st year membership, but renewal for subsequent years will be at regular fee with new code set-up in system by Nessa.
  • Celine and Nessa will work on re-organizing members’ list and coordinate approach to have members from prior years renew their membership.
  • Increase communication with members is needed to keep interest in CTS high. Automated emails set-up was done by Katharine in the past and those can be used. Currently an automated email is sent to new members.
  • Amex is still a problem with Paypal.  Members wishing to pay with Amex contact Nessa and she will process their transaction manually.  Nessa will unload and re-load the Paypal link so see if the problem is fixed.  She will work with Karen if not.

 3.  Sustainability/Growers/Green Initiatives Committee

Robert Clark met with the Slow Fish group and gave a presentation.  He discussed how CTS and Slow Fish can move forward together.

The goal is to participate in events to raise money for Slow Fish but also accomplish other goals aside from fundraising.  CTS will get involved, but objectives need to be clear.

Robert will prepare something in writing for the web site to gauge membership’s interest in building a relationship with Slow Fish.  Nessa to post.

4.  Marketing & Branding

  • Curry Cup update from Kyle (email from Jonathan):  organization is well under way with restaurants and judges selections almost finalized.  Very good response from sponsors for set-up logistics and consumables.   Thank you to all board members who got involved in helping organize this event.  It will be one of the fund raisers for CTS and might be added to the annual events' list.  A premium of a CTS engraved wine glass will be offered to members who show up at the event and show their membership card.  At the event, a cheque for a sponsorship will be donated to Growing Chefs.  Growing Chefs' volunteers will work at the event.  Details will be posted on CTS web site and PR for the event will be made available as soon as most details are finalized.
  • Spot Prawns Festival pictures were requested by the Travel Network for their “Bizarre Food” show.  This show should air sometime in the Spring.

 5.  Health & Wellness Committee

       Ned was unable to attend – no report.

6.  Spot Prawn Festival 

  • Date to be confirmed as soon as possible since Nessa is getting requests from different organizations and individuals for planning purposes.  It will be held in May either week-end of 11th  or 18th.
  •  Chris sent a letter to Chris Sporer (Pacific Prawn Fishermen’s Association) for sponsorship.  He will follow-up and communicate their response.
  •  Planning should start now to have Festival's 10th year anniversary include personalities from West Coast area.

 7.  Fundraising/Scholarship Committee

Scott requested that more requests to be made for books from the Barbara Jo’s Scholarship.

New Business:

       Presentation from Streetsmart Canada did not take place.


Adjournment:  By:  Scott Jaeger

At:   16h11

Next board meeting:  Tuesday, February 25, 2014