Date: Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Location: P.I.C.A. - 1505, W 2nd Avenue, Vancouver BC
Call to Order: By: Scott Jaeger
At: 14h30
Roll Call: By: Jonathan Chovancek
Attendance: Robert Belcham, Ryan Bissell, Julian Bond, Andrea Carlson, Jonathan Chovancek, Robert Clark, Sid Cross, Scott Jaeger, Kathryn Manson, Kyle Nordman, Nessa Van Bergen, Chris Whittaker
Approval of Board Meeting Minutes from October 29, 2013
1st: Nessa van Bergen
2nd: Sid Cross
- Financial Report - Neil WylesUnable to attend - no report. Nessa requires last year’s financials from Neil. Expediting of this would be great.
- Membership Committee – Kyle Nordman and Chris Whittaker We are currently at 108 active/76 inactive members as of November 2013.Jonathan and Robert B will go to A.I. to generate student membership. Students to be given free 2014 membership but no shirt. Nessa to create a coupon code and send to Jonathan & Robert. Hard cost of each new membership with t-shirt is $15 per person.
Jonathan to do an email introduction to JC Felicella at VCC.
Nessa to set up a new Pay Pal account with a link to pay membership dues with the reminder letter and will send email reminders to inactive/lapsed memberships. Membership Committee to follow up.
- Sustainability/Growers/Green Initiatives Committee – update from Rob ClarkRobert investigated the potential for partnership opportunities with SLOW FISH. There is a great opportunity to help build the infrastructure and network and to guide the organization to matters which meet the CTS’s ethical position and highlight smaller fisheries in need of global attention.Scholarship opportunities for members to travel to Italy with Slow Fish would add to the value of membership in the CTS.
Robert would sit as the Slow Fish chair on the CTS board.
Nessa to write a membership interest letter to asses CTS members interest in joining Slow Fish with the replies to go to Robert Clark and he will discuss the feedback at the next board meeting.
- Marketing & Branding – update from Robert BelchamThe last marketing meeting yielded a proposal for a new event to be held in March ‘The Curry Cup”.Jonathan & Kyle presented an overview of the event for approval to move forward with a formal event plan. Board unanimously voted to move forward. Event plan to be reviewed outside of a formal meeting in early December so we can start event planning and marketing in early January.
- Health & Wellness Committee Unable to attend – no report.
- Spot Prawn Festival – update form Ryan Bissell Volunteers needed to get rolling for Feb 1 2014.Can we get the Mayor and some Sustainable Celebrities to be part of the festival this year?
Sid suggested a fundraiser attached to the festival with 4-6 high profile chefs doing a high ticket price dinner.
Nikki Bailey from Eater wants to join the spot prawn committee.
- Fundraising/Scholarship Committee – update from Scott JaegerScott met with Lee Murphy of Vista D’Oro Farm/Winery to discuss a series of events to be held at the end of September 2014: 5 events over 5 nights, 50-100 guests. $150 per person ballpark. Lee wants to provide wines and rentals.Sid suggested a Chef’s table at each dinner with premium wines and price.
Suggested possible restaurants - Pear Tree, Okanagan Chefs, Joy Road Catering/ Jeff Van Geest, /Hawksworth
Scott to work out event/ business plan
New Business:
- Presentation by Mathew Dixon from Cowpower ( - see attachment for presentation details)
- Nessa to roll out a 2014 event calendar to organize volunteers and marketing.
- Nessa moves to join Tourism Vancouver , Scott motions, Ryan seconds. Movement passes @ $284 for the year
- Dish N Dazzle partnership- Nessa working on memoranda of understanding to forward to Scott to present to the board.
- Nessa will send out the Board a list of 30 questions for a ‘Get To Know Your Board Better’ marketing segment. It will include a non PR picture.
Adjournment: By: Scott Jaeger
At: 16:30
Next board meeting: January 28, 2014