The Wild Salmon Celebration Returns In-Person for the 6th Year!
Gather to enjoy Wild BC Salmon to support fishers and chefs.

(Vancouver, BC) Join the Chefs’ Table Society of BC (CTS) and the BC Salmon Marketing Council on Saturday, August 27, 2022 for an outdoor evening event to celebrate iconic wild BC salmon, and our fishers and chefs.

Guests will graze through eight food stations while enjoying BC wines and beer at False Creek Fishermen’s Wharf in Vancouver to celebrate the premium, sustainable seafood that is wild BC salmon.

The celebration in support of wild BC salmon, commercial fishers, and a healthy seafood choice is especially important to showcase the versatility of salmon and the resilience of both the fishery and fishers. During the event, guests will interact with some of BC's most talented chefs and learn about how they prepared their dishes featuring sockeye salmon but no two dishes will be alike.

Tickets for the dinner are $75.00 per person (plus tax and service fee) and include a delicious tasting menu consisting of eight salmon dishes, samples of BC wines and beers, as well as a confection to end the night. Guests will be entertained by the Don Hardy Quartet while they take in the beauty of Vancouver's August nights.

This event is also an opportunity to learn more about wild BC salmon while supporting the fishers who make it possible to bring this product to market and onto our plates. Consumers can be confident that the fish that come to market are sustainably caught. And that means that when you see wild salmon on a menu, you can be assured you are supporting a sustainable fishery, BC fishermen and coastal communities up and down the coast.

Some of the 2022 participating chefs and restaurants include:
Vish Mayekar, Caffe La Tana

Paul Natrall, Mr. Bannock

Roger Ma, Boulevard Kitchen & Oyster Bar

Vancouver Community College

Dennis Peckham, Glowbal Group

Robert Clark and Julian Bond, Organic Ocean

Jacob Kent, Como Taperia 

Follow along on Instagram at @chefstablebc and @gowildbcsalmon for chef updates and educational facts about the BC Wild Salmon fishery and species. The salmon will be provided by Organic Ocean Seafood and is being paid for by the BC Salmon Marketing Council.

This project is supported by the BC Government’s Buy BC Partnership Program; delivered by the Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC with funding from the Government of British Columbia. @eatdrinkbuybc #BuyBC

Quick Facts:
Who: CTS and the BC Salmon Marketing Council
What: Annual CTS Wild Salmon Celebration
When: Saturday, August 27, 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Where: Fishermen's Wharf, 1505 W 1st Ave, Vancouver, BC V6J 1E8W
Why: To celebrate sustainable fishing and its product: Wild BC salmon
How: Purchase tickets on Eventbrite for $75

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Photo Assets are available via Dropbox. Please get in touch if you need something different or would like to chat with on of the participating chefs.

For further information and interviews, please contact:
Shawna Gardham, Executive Director
Chefs’ Table Society of BC

About The Chefs’ Table Society of BC
The Chefs’ Table Society of British Columbia (CTS) is a province-wide collaborative that fosters essential dialogue between culinary professionals. We support innovative, sustainable programs that inspire, educate and nurture cooks, producers and regional food industries. We promote standards of excellence that strengthen our regional cuisines. To ensure a valued legacy for all professional cooks, the Society is working to establish the CTS Culinary Centre. @chefstablebc

About the BC Salmon Marketing Council
The BC Salmon Marketing Council is a non-profit, generic marketing organization for wild BC salmon. Formed in 1991 by the commercial salmon fishermen in British Columbia, Canada to represent the harvesters and processors of commercially-caught wild BC salmon. It is funded by BC commercial fishermen and government sources to fulfill its official mandate: benefit and promote the BC wild salmon industry; conduct research and educational programs for the development and promotion of commercially harvested wild BC salmon, and; communicate to national and international markets the quality, availability and value of wild BC salmon. The BCSMC is the ONLY marketing program that represents all BC wild salmon – all five species, all runs, all gear types, all products. As consumers face a myriad of salmon choices, we help promote wild BC salmon as the best choice for healthy, nutritious, delicious and sustainable salmon. Find them on Instagram @gowildbcsalmon