There are many facets to this hospitality business that the general public either don't think of or don't know about. Side businesses that support our restaurants and hotels, like farmers and fishers and ranchers. There is a whole other part that is just as import and can add so much to lives pf the people doing the job and the diners. That is the people that supply the glassware, flatware, etc. etc, but once in a while something special comes along and we get very excited about. This is where Leechtown Blacksmiths and Ryan Fogarty come into the picture. Ryan decided he wanted to make something better than was already out there. Something that can be passed down through generations and that would hold up beautifully to the rigours of the professional kitchen. Ryan decided to make a better steel pan. Simple, elegant, durable and an absolute workhorse in the kitchen. His pans are some of the best I have ever used and after a good seasoning rival any pan anywhere. I am very happy to have Ryan on the pod to talk about his journey and his love for the restaurant business, music, the forge and the steel that makes it come together. I hope you enjoy. 

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