Show Notes

Making tasty food. Making friends. Never hard to do in the restaurant business.  But making a living?  Never as easy.  However,  there's a relatively simple solution available to every chef/operator most anywhere.

This edition of the Mise-en-Place Field Guide examines the living wage... what it can mean to everyone who works in this industry and how it can help establish the kind of fair and sustainable compensation everyone needs to thrive in their professional career.

Host Robert Belcham gets a tour of living wage principles from Anastasia French of the Living Wage for Families Campaign of BC.  He'll also be guided through the key steps two operators,  Paul Hadfield of Spinnakers (Victoria, BC) and Court Desautels (Neighbourhood Group, Guelph, ON) have used to successfully incorporate the living wage.

All this valuable peer-to-peer advice is also available for download in the free e-book edition of this Field Guide.